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K and K International Trading Company Pvt. Ltd. | K and K International Trading Company Pvt. Ltd.

Welcome to K&K Company

Presenting the new SOLAR WATER HEATER from Sunrise Solar System. Using evacuated tube technology, SOLAR WATER HEATER is designed with specially coated glass tubes to deliver superior performance that ensures availability of hot water even on partially cloudy days.


k&k International Trading Company Pvt.Ltd

Smiley face Mr.Karunakar Ghimire
Chairman/Managing Director 
Smiley face Mrs.Radhika Kumari Paudel

Terminalia Chebula Harro

Today,solar heating is becoming more important than even before.Natural gas and oil,which are burned to heat our homes and water are limited.We have an integrated approach to the systems we…

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Today,solar heating is becoming more important than even before.Natural gas and oil,which are burned to heat our homes and water are limited.We have an integrated approach to the systems we…

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Today,solar heating is becoming more important than even before.Natural gas and oil,which are burned to heat our homes and water are limited.We have an integrated approach to the systems we…

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Today,solar heating is becoming more important than even before.Natural gas and oil,which are burned to heat our homes and water are limited.We have an integrated approach to the systems we…

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Today,solar heating is becoming more important than even before.Natural gas and oil,which are burned to heat our homes and water are limited.We have an integrated approach to the systems we…

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Today,solar heating is becoming more important than even before.Natural gas and oil,which are burned to heat our homes and water are limited.We have an integrated approach to the systems we…

Agricultural Products

Pure Honey

Today,solar heating is becoming more important than even before.Natural gas and oil,which are burned to heat our homes and water are limited.We have an integrated approach to the systems we…

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Today,solar heating is becoming more important than even before.Natural gas and oil,which are burned to heat our homes and water are limited.We have an integrated approach to the systems we…

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Today,solar heating is becoming more important than even before.Natural gas and oil,which are burned to heat our homes and water are limited.We have an integrated approach to the systems we…


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About US

Presenting the new SOLAR WATER HEATER from Sunrise Solar System. Using evacuated tube technology, SOLAR WATER HEATER is designed with specially coated glass tubes to deliver superior performance that ensures availability of hot water even on partially cloudy days.

Contacts Us

K&K International Trading Company Pvt. Ltd.Dillibazaar, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Phone No.: 977-14424297
Fax No.: 977-14424297
G.P.O. 4981
Email: info@knk.com.np | knk.internationaltrade@gmail.com
URL: www.knk.com.np

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